
CONSCIOUS CITY GUIDE — We challenge you to replace your regular travel habits with planet-friendly alternatives. Take the train instead of the plane. Surprise yourself with the natural wonders behind your front door. Reconnect with the outdoors while seeking harmony between...

Kiki Boreel

CLIMATE TALK — I am a climate professional in the way of how I look at how we can change individual behaviour. According to IPCC changes in our behaviour and lifestyle, with the right policies,...


PLASTIC AFFAIRS — Plastic waste that enters our rivers and oceans breaks down over time into very small pieces, called microplastics.

An old-fashioned ritual in return

CONSCIOUS COOKING — Doing the dishes has become an old-fashioned ritual. In a lot of households, this ritual made room for a ‘dishie', also known as the dishwasher. But don’t you also have good memories from the...

Meet the artist: Marieke van Heesbeen

CLIMATE TALK — A playful take on the relationship between form and function. Dutch ceramist Marieke van Heesbeen went in search of the perfect combination of shapes to hold up our Halo Soap.

Small choices can make a global impact

PLASTIC AFFAIRS — By using kinfill products you contribute to a healthier planet, but there is more you can do. It is our mission to inspire sustainable living, small choices can make a global impact....