A Sunday with Kinfill

A Sunday with Kinfill

At the end of 2019, Kinfill was introduced as a revolutionary, sustainable cleaning brand, committed to minimizing the environmental impact of the cleaning industry. Beginning with the introduction of a range of refillable cleaners, we ventured into crafting products for the home, body and air. Our ultimate goal is to transform every habit into a cleaner, more conscious routine.

Introducing our Sunday campaign
We believe Sundays are for renewal — the idea of starting fresh each week and adopting cleaner habits that benefit both you and the world around you.

It's the perfect day to slow down, take a deep breath, and engage in conscious routines that promote well-being and environmental mindfulness. Whether it's dedicating time to self-care, cleaning up and decluttering our living spaces, or making sustainable choices in our daily activities, Sundays provide an opportunity to reset and align ourselves with a more conscious way of living. It's a day to reconnect with nature, appreciate the simple pleasures, and make deliberate choices that benefit not only ourselves but also the world around us. Let's embrace Sundays as a canvas for positive change, where every mindful action we take contributes to a cleaner, greener, and more meaningful life. Let's make every Sunday a day of positive change.