3 pillars

A Cleaner Approach

Introducing 3 steps towards cleaner cleaning – we've improved our cleaning essentials and transformed our packaging for a cleaner approach!

1. Less is more — Smaller + lighter packaging
2. Durability — Refills without spills
3. Closing the loop — Reusing program


In our commitment to sustainability, we've redesigned the packaging for our Starter Kits and Refills. By reducing their size and weight, we're cutting down on waste and our environmental impact. Starter Kits now take up 40% less volume, while Refill boxes are reduced by 60%. This change shows that sometimes, less truly is more, benefiting both the environment and efficiency in storage and transportation.


We've listened to your feedback and made significant improvements to our Refills. This upgrade ensures a secure seal every time, preventing leaks and reducing product waste. While the new lids may contain plastic, this update aligns with our commitment to reducing your ecological footprint and minimizing single-use plastic in our packaging. You can now return these lids to our warehouse, where they will be reused indefinitely.


Our commitment to sustainability doesn't end with product design. We're implementing a new initiative for our refill lids. Simply return them to our warehouse, and we'll take care of the rest. By closing the loop on our packaging, we're minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency.